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Interview with Aminah Salmang, Associate at Kidu Lawyers

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be and how would you use it in your legal work?

I would prefer to have the superpower of photographic memory. This would greatly help when trying to recall relevant sections of various legislation!

Can you share a funny or unusual anecdote from your time practising law?

It was my first year of practice as a lawyer and I had been tasked to assist a Senior Queen’s Counsel in a matter before the National Court. As we were heading into the courthouse, the Senior Queen’s Counsel turned to me and asked for a copy of Papua New Guinea’s Constitution. Unfortunately, I didn’t bring a copy of the Constitution with me and the QC smiled and said, I bet you’ll never forget the time you were asked for a copy of the Constitution by a QC and you didn’t have it on you. He was right, I have never forgotten.

What made you pursue a career in law?

I actually wanted to be a doctor ever since I was in the first grade. I held onto this dream until Year 12 when I had to let it go as Maths was a subject that was not really agreeing with me. It was my late father who suggested that I take up law studies and I am glad I listened to his advice.

Aminah Salmang

What is your favourite way to unwind/relax or favourite leisure activity?

I love reading. So whether I am reading a book, the newspaper, or a magazine, I am content. My eldest daughter also loves to read so I enjoy talking to her about books she has read.

How do you stay current with legal developments and changes in the Pacific region?

For current developments, I usually check the local daily’s online newspaper and social media such as LinkedIn. In terms of legal developments, I usually check PNG’s Parliament website for recent legislation that has been passed. If I am looking for news or information on a particular Pacific Island country then I just do a general google search.


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